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Hair & Beauty Co.

Doncaster, Yorkshire and the Humber

3, votes 1

Botulinum Toxin is a naturally occurring protein derived from the Bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. The popular brand names used in the UK are BOTOX®, DYSPORT® AND VISTABEL®. When used cosmetically, it can smooth out dynamic lines, restoring a more youthful, less stressed expression to your face.
Is Botox safe?
Botox injections have been used safely and effectively by trained medical practitioners for over 20 years. Tens of thousands of patients receive Botox treatment every year making it the number one cosmetic procedure in the UK. It is licensed in the UK to be given to children as young as two years old
How does it work?
Whenever you laugh, frown, concentrate or squint your facial muscles contract and your skin creases. As you get older your skin loses its elasticity and those creases deepen into lines that become permanently etched on your face. Frown lines between your eyes can become particularly noticeable at a relatively young age, making you look angry, worried or stressed even when you’re not.
By injecting tiny amounts of Botox very precisely into specific facial muscles, the nerve impulses responsible for contraction of these muscles are blocked. This causes a temporary weakness or paralysis of that muscle resulting in the overlying skin becoming smooth and unwrinkled.
Where can botox be used?

  • Forehead lines
  • Frown lines between the brows
  • Crow’s feet around the eyes
  • Bunny lines on the nose
  • Lip area and corners of the mouth usually in conjunction with Dermal Fillers
  • Necklines - horizontal ‘necklace lines’ and vertical ‘platysmal bands’ can be softened.
Hair & Beauty Co.
Phone: +44 1302 784040
Address: Doncaster, 73 Sprotbrough Road Doncaster DN5 8BW
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added: 2013.06.14 » views: 1293 » edit